Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Mid-summer update!

Where does the time go? We pray that you are getting to enjoy summer and not having to hold up in the A/C too much. As our lives are in transition we continue to walk through the doors that the Lord opens for us and continue to be very busy. 

We have a high school graduate! Adam graduated with flying colors on June 8, 2011. We praise God for faithfully seeing us through the homeschool high school years and providing us support and confirmation along the way. Though Adam is undecided on a course of study and is holding off on college until he has a clearer vision, he continues to work at his business of garden maintenance. He also has begun breeding his leopard geckos, which he hopes will turn into a lucrative sideline vocation. We currently have two cute little eggs in an incubator in our basement.
Aren't these two just the cutest... OK, so you only see their tails, but they are cute together.

You may remember from our 1st quarter newsletter that Tracy was shifting gears from homeschooling Adam to diving into a new schedule with helping her mom in her bakery business. As the summer is progressing, those duties are changing and she will be working on rebuilding Mom's bakery website. (A brand new adventure!) James has also been quite busy with contracting.

We are composing this newsletter while we are away for camp. (Though it won't be sent until after we get home.) James is teaching “drawing in chalk” and “elementary Bible study” at Created 2 Praise, a creative arts camp in Neffsville PA. This is our third year teaching at camp. James is once again being stretched in ways that are amazing. We stay with dear friends (and fellow chalk artist) and have an incredible week of fellowship. James and Elva critique and encourage one another all week long. James also helps around the farm doing handyman tasks where possible and Tracy helps in the kitchen. 
This year's camp theme is “Taste and See”, which we don't really get to apply well into the chalk drawing class, but Bible study has proved to be a smorgasbord of tasty morsels and we look forward to seeing our 4th grade students blossom throughout the week.

James demonstrating during class

A quick summary of the past three months. In April we gave 9 presentations... at one venue 11 Bibles! We ministered at nursing homes, senior groups, youth ministry, church function and Sunday School.

May we ministered 12 times for church services and functions, seniors groups, adult day care, Lions Club, MOPS group, and nursing home. Now that is the schedule we would love to see every month! Tracy also had a conference she attended with her mom in Nashville and was gone 4 days! It was a busy month, but very productive in the Lord's work.
June was busy with 11 presentations and some for very unique occasions! We had “Summer Celebration” with Twin Pines to kickoff summer, followed by presentations for church worship services, two family reunions, Twin Pines adult camp, a graduation party, and children's camp. It was an exciting month with opportunity to give away over 3 dozen Bibles!!! Again, please pray for those that received the Bibles... that they would hunger and thirst for more of Him! At one venue alone 21 Bibles went off our table as well as almost everything else that was there for the offering.

As we are at the end of July, we'll give account. We had events for adult day care, christian day camp, two worship services and this week of camp. Tracy even got to steal away for three days to Ocean Grove NJ with her mom and aunt! (What a treat!!!)

Looking ahead we have 12 events scheduled so far the next two months, and 7 more to finish out the year. Typically the phone starts ringing in August to fill in the end of the year schedule. Watch our schedule fill!

Teacher James at the end of a good tiring week.

Prayer Requests:
  • more opportunity to share the Gospel message
  • God to raise up prayer warriors
  • God's provision for financial needs
  • our openness and obedience to what He has for us
  • that we would be equipped, flexible and effective for His purpose
May you find joy, peace and rest this summer – may the Lord bless you and keep you, until we meet again.

Sincerely in His service and love,

James and Tracy Snyder

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